Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Perluas Vocabulary Melalui Minat Mu

What is your passion type? I think this question is rather weird? The average person while given this question will be confused. I think because we do not more know about the type of passion, right? But just to the point, I will introduce my passion. My passion is Agriculture. In this section, I do not use any correct grammar. But, I think a little bit of used application Grammarly is okay. Hehe. With this application, I can learn more about arranging word to sentences and in the future, I hope don't need it again. I will be an expert in English! aamiin

I just wanted to list all the vocabulary about insect-plant relationships. Okay, let's go! First, I'd like to get a journal about what I'm learning in the future (Agriculture), specifically in the relationship between insects and plants. I think the reader has known about this topic because you have been transit this website. Thank you for your respect and care. You have been waste time reading my blog

We start with foreign words that we don't know before.

I get the journal from Researchgate. Researchgate is the Gate of researchers from over the world. In there, you can found many researchers and their publications. In addition, you can give a contribution to development research and get some networking with other researchers. I start with a screenshot and.......

Let's go search for new vocabulary.

Meanwhile, before I list the vocabulary, let me explain and describe the article. From the screen shoot, we get information about the interaction between insects-plants according to secondary metabolites. Exactly, this is not known to every people in real life. Like butterfly and moth get nectar from the flower. In other parts, the plants can start to produce and create seeds from that interaction.

Read carefully and record the vocabulary!

I make this list according to my point of view and knowledge.

You can list any vocabulary in the comment!

  1. Contradictory
  2. Everlasting
  3. Interfering
  4. Digesting
  5. Deterrent
  6. Intestinal
  7. cues
  8. Exhibiting
  9. Distinctive
  10. Odors
  11. Intrinsic

There are eleven new words for me and you? Next post? Try to record in a comment about the definition, synonyms, etc, please. 

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