Monday, March 14, 2022

3 Tips to Encourage Mosquito Gone from Your Beautiful Garden

Self Documentation
First of all, you should know the mosquito-like life in your environment. Before I tell you the tips, I will explain a little bit part of mosquitos in our life. The mosquito is one of a million species of insect in the world. The function of mosquitoes is the same as other insects that you have ever seen around you, like bees, flies, etc. Unfortunately, Mosquitos are identically dangerous insects that could affect our health. Many diseases are known to us, it's as Dengue Fever, Malaria, and many diseases that have been explained by scientists.
These are 3 tips could you try in your garden :

1. Manage The WATER. 

The first thing that you should know is mosquitos most like with water. Water is the essential material for mosquitos. If they are want to continue their life automatically they need water to lay the egg. Manage all sources of water in your garden, it's like you manage the water of precipitation from rain. Manage all water sources until not available again in your garden. You could find on the website how to manage water precipitation on web

2. Use a REPELLENT smell.

Zodia in the Garden
Mosquitos usually like your smell, not need a close gap with your body to catch your blood, mosquito still could detect your smell and catch up your blood. 

So use a repellent smell that you wear (perfume or fragrant) or try to settle on your garden. it's could affect the existence of mosquitos. 

My recommended plant could you use in your garden is Zodia. This plant has a repellent function to get out mosquitos from your garden. The plant could produce a good smell that is disliked by mosquitos. Besides you could repellent, you still use this plant to beautify your garden. You can buy in the online market or traditional flower market.

3. Sustainable The Environment.

 The final way to control or minimize mosquitoes is to sustain your garden. Mosquito is a part of the ecosystem.  So, You can make some opportunities to natural enemies in your garden.  One of the natural enemies is spiders and dragonflies. Support the life of dragonflies and spiders in your garden to make it more sustainable and the existence of mosquitoes could decrease.

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