Monday, December 27, 2021

Potensi Reduktan Pestisida Berbahan Alami Mampu menyelamatkan populasi Lebah Madu (Honey Bee)

Illustrated by

 Penggunaan pestisida di dunia pertanian sudah menjadi hal yang wajib bagi petani konvensional. Di era sekarang petani konvensionalah yang memenuhi sebagian besar pertanian di dunia. Tanpa pestisida petani akan merasakan ada hal yang kurang, seperti masakan tanpa garam. Hampir seluruh jenis pestisida sudah dicicipi oleh petani, mulai dari insektisida, herbisida, fungisida dan jenis lainya. Namun tahukah petani, penggunaan pestisida yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan dampak yang buruk bagi dirinya dan juga ekosistem disekitarnya. 

    Kita tahu petani hanya menginginkan hal yang lebih praktis untuk dipraktikan dan menginginkan keuntungan serta menghindari kerugian. Alasan itulah yang menjadi ketakutan terbesar oleh petani untuk melepas pestisida. Masalah ini telah menjadi PR terbesar bagi para scientist, tenaga pendidik, pemerintah dan perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertanian. FAO sebagai lembaga dunia telah menyebutkan bahwa banyak fakta scintific yang menunjukan penggunaan berbagai macam pestisida sama sekali atau sedikit sekali dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman. Sebaliknya penggunaan pestisida dapat menurunkan keuntungan dan memiliki efek yang negatif untuk manusia dan lingkungan. 

    Kenapa banyak penelitian mengatakan demikian? Karena banyak sektor yang dirugikan akibat penggunaan pestisida yang berlebihan, salah satunya adalah lebah. Lebah memiliki fungsi ekosistem yang sangat penting bagi produksi tanaman. Penyerbukan tanaman yang menjadi inti dari munculnya buah, akan semakin terganggu apabila pestisida selalu diberikan dan berlebihan, khususnya ketika tanaman mulai berbunga. Terdapat penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa pemberian insektisida dapat menyebabkan lebah mati. Parahnya lagi insektisida yang memiliki tingkat kematian terhadap lebah yang tinggi, memiliki daya pikat terhadap lebah untuk datang ke tanaman, daripada insektisida dengan tingkat kematian terhadap lebah lebih rendah. Dengan kata lain insektisida yang memikat lebah merupakan “bom bunuh diri” bagi petani dalam peningkatan produksi tanaman. Padahal 1 jenis lebah saja seperti lebah madu memiliki kontribusi lebih dari 14 miliar dollar Amerika atau sekitar 200 triliun rupiah per tahun untuk bidang pertanian di dunia. 

    Lebah memiliki beragam jenisnya, salah satunya adalah lebah madu (Honeybee). Honeybee merupakan lebah yang sangat umum kita jumpai, tidak hanya di Indonesia tetapi hampir diseluruh dunia. Lebah ini sangat berperan penting dalam penyerbukan tanaman, karena sifatnya yang eusocial atau lebah yang berkoloni. Ketika lebah madu menyerbuki tanaman, mereka tidak sendirian seperti bumblebee contohnya. Otomatis penyerbukan yang terjadi pada tanaman akan lebih cepat. Petani seharusnya mengetaui akan hal ini, keuntungan yang akan didapat dari pertaniannya akan meningkat jika lebah ini tetap dilestarikan. 

    Namun sayang, Honeybee dilaporkan telah mengalami kolaps atau penurunan populasi secara drastis pada tahun tahun 2006....

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Push-Pull Tactic to Control Fall Armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperda)

The amyworms (S.frugiperda) has been spreading in many country on the world. it is impact to agriculural production , and loss yield in mize, and rice. Farmers are confusing until now to control this pest, because actually this species is native from America. So, in foreign country still confused to control it by effective and efficient. 

Fotunately, many researchers have been developing to control this pest. In this blog, I would like sharing about one of tactic to control this pest. Yesterday, I have read a journal from Economic Entomology. You can visit to exlplore and deep study in there. 

This picture below illustrate how farmer control armyworms by culture technique. Using 3 variety of plants and there are three segement of cultivation in one field. I think this tactic is very important to implement in all country. Actually, this tactic has some weakness like amount of your main cultivation is low.  I think that's so normally when you using it. 

Illustrated by norman wijaya

There are 3 cultivation in this tactic. First, you use signal grass as border in your field. This plant has function to attract adult pest of armyworms. As well as we know the adult of this pest is moth. Second of cultivation is Green leaf. It has opposite function with signal grass. green leaf has function to againts laying of egg. So, The production of mize can increase exponentially without distrubed by armyworms.

So calm, and stay happy. I will share a link to see this interesting journal. Dont worry, this journal is open access to everyone. In addition, this journal has many of tactic to control this pest like using natural enemies or GMO seeds (BT). 

"Managing Fall Armyworm in Africa: Can Bt Maize Sustainably Improve Control?"

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Tritrophic Interaction

 Tritropic interaction is an interaction that includes three organisms. First, the plant or producer of food resources is the main of interaction. The second is a consumer of producers. The consumer is mainly herbivores that disruption in other organisms, especially on plants. The last are natural enemies. Commonly, the natural enemies always come when the plants that attacked by some herbivores. Actually in this interaction have two types of natural enemies (Parasitoid and Predator). More people has known about predator function or activity. Example, paryer manthis and ladybug. The parasitoids are an organism that has function as a predator doing. We know about that function when we look at the circulation of the ecosystem. 

The animal in the ecosystem always death. The examples are mouse farm death because an eagle ate the mouse. Just like that, an herbivore death by predators and parasitoids. The predators killed the herbivores often diggest directly. The parasitoids often killed the herbivores more softly.

The picture illustrates the Thritropic interaction. According to the above explanation, we can conclude that plant is maize, the herbivore is aphids, and the predator is a ladybug. The plants have two protection. First is direct protection, like grow some part of the body that function against herbivores. The second is indirect protection, like in the picture. Ladybug was deriving on maize and diggest the aphids. Chemicals materials were out from plants that invite some natural enemies (ladybug as predator). It was out from plants because plants get induced by herbivores.  

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Olfactometer Y Tube

Last week, I found something interest. I found a lot of ideas to develop my master's degree plan study. The Idea I got from reading more articles such as article journals, websites, etc. Finally, this tool makes me fascinating, because from my entrance to university until graduation day in front of my eye, recently I know about this tool now. When I study maybe I was not focused. In addition, faculty maybe have guessed the use of this tool unlink with the agriculture study (Applied science).

The name of this tool is Olfactometry Y Tube.

A schematic diagram of the Y-tube olfactometer, modified from Akol et al. (2003)48, used to test the effect of M. persicae feeding on the behavioral response of B. tabaci.:

You can see the Y tube in the picture below. So the interesting material from a tool packet is a function to know about the behavior of insects.

for journals reference

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Perluas Vocabulary Melalui Minat Mu

What is your passion type? I think this question is rather weird? The average person while given this question will be confused. I think because we do not more know about the type of passion, right? But just to the point, I will introduce my passion. My passion is Agriculture. In this section, I do not use any correct grammar. But, I think a little bit of used application Grammarly is okay. Hehe. With this application, I can learn more about arranging word to sentences and in the future, I hope don't need it again. I will be an expert in English! aamiin