Saturday, August 4, 2018

Agree or Disagree The Goverment Should Stop Giving Permition to The Palm Industry

In this modern era we know about the palm industry. The palm industry is best industry than another industry in Indonesia. We know it, in this mornig we will discus about agree or disagree the goverment should stop giving permition to the palm indutry.
In other side the palm industry have contribute many benefit to Indonesia, but in other side this Industry have problem about conduct to get advantage office without see condition forest or environtment in Indonesia. In this occasion we can know what should goverment do to the palm industry.
The goverment should stop giving permition to the palm industry because many forest burned to plant the palm. Lets see the fact about negative effect from burning forest. Many plant and animal died because the burning of forest in Sumatera such as Riau.
Effect of burning is many child cannot study in their school. The worker can’t work well. The fire will make poeple felt their live is so bad, besaide that the fire can make air polution and many flora and fauna will lose because that.
In othe side, The palm industry is one of many industry will give many benefit to country. Because this factor the goverment dont stop giving permition. The palm industry is best sector production of agriculture. The result from this industry can make Indonesia more advanced, example the result from this industry Indonesia can export to other country with expensive cost.
So far the goverment should stop giving permition to the palm industy if the industry have many negative effect to environment, and the Goverment must give sanction if the Industry burning the forest to plant the palm. The goverment must be distinct about this problem and always give priority to the society.
The goverment giving permition to industry if The industry can make positive effect such as give more benefit to country with export the result to other country and plant the palm without burning the forest. The goverment must have good idea to finnish this problem because many people need justice and comfrotable live.  

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